More impactful user research

Insight Deck will be your primary tool for processing, sharing and using user research findings the way you like. With Insight Deck you will be able to chop reports into readable, manageable and findable pieces but still with the option to add enough information to convince your stakeholders and share the context of your insights.

  • Create & Store

    Insight Deck will guide you in processing your research data so it will also be useful for other projects within the company. This is done based on insight cards: small and readable pieces which consist of valuable information.

  • Find & Collect

    All reports, card decks and cards within Insight Deck are searchable. Therefore, you can easily find needed information on the spot. Moreover, you can make your own decks to bundle valuable information for a specific project or target group.

  • Share & Use

    User research insights are only valuable when you can use them easily within your daily work. Therefore, Insight Deck will provide you with all the needed tools to share and use collected research data within your company and projects.


The four of us know what impact research can have, but we've also seen it fail. We're working hard to give user research insights a place to exist and be used.

  • Bjørn van Raaij

    Founder & Product Owner

  • Maarten Somers

    Business Design & Development

  • Pepijn Gieles

    UX Design & Front-End Development

  • Jeroen van Schelven

    Back-End Development